CHAPTER 381 Hickory dickory dock,
2 aThe mice ran up the clock.
3 The clock struck bsomething,
4 Something down again,
5 cThree blind mice,
6 dThree blind mice,
7 Or something like that.
CHAPTER 391 Onward Christian soldiers,
2 eMarching off to war,
3 Something something something,
4 fGoing on before,
5 gAnd so forth,
6 hAnd so on.
CHAPTER 401 Something,
2 Something,
3 A banner with a istrange device,
4 Excelsior!
CHAPTER 411 I pledge allegiance to the flag,
2 Of the United States of America,
3 And to the republican,
4 For something stands,
5 One nation,
6 Something something,
7 In-jsomething-able,
8 With something and something for all.
9 Amen.
CHAPTER 421 It was many and many a year ago ,
2 In a something by the sea,
3 Something something lived,
4 By the name of kAnnabel Lee.
5 Something something,
6 Something,
7 lReal sad.
CHAPTER 431 mWee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
2 Something something,
3 With his nsomething gown,
4 Something something,
5 oAre all the children in their beds,
6 Something something o'-clock,
7 Or something.
CHAPTER 441 pTyger, Tyger, burning bryte,
2 In the something of the Nyte,
3 Something,
4 q& Something,
5 What the rDevil,
6 What the sHell,
7 tSomething something in thy Eye,
8 Could frame thy Something,
9 Or Other?
CHAPTER 451 In uXanadu did vKubla Khan.
2 A stately wpleasure xdome decree,
3 Where ysomething something river ran,
4 Through something something,
5 And down to a something zsomething,
6 Something,
7 So twice five miles of something,
8 aaSomething something,
9 bbSomething else,
10 And he on honeydew hath fed,