11 And drunk the asomething else,
12 Or something like that.
CHAPTER 461 bOf farms and the man I sing,
2 Something something,
3 The wine dark sea,
4 Or whatever.
CHAPTER 471 Something,
2 Something,
3 Do not go gentle into that good night.
4 cSomething,
5 dSomething,
6 eSomething fsomething against the something light,
7 gDo not go gentle into that good night.
CHAPTER 481 We, the people of the United States,
2 In order to form a more perfect hsomething,
3 Hereby something,
4 And something else,
5 That isomething may not perish from the earth,
6 Or something like that.
CHAPTER 491 Omnis Gallia in jtres partes,
2 kSomething est,
3 E pluribus unum,
4 Et cetera,
5 Et cetera.
CHAPTER 501 Whenever Richard Cory went to town,
2 Something,
3 Something,
4 Something,
5 lAnd went home and put a bullet in his head.
CHAPTER 511 I know not what course,
2 Others may take,
3 But as for me,
4 Give me msomething or other,
5 Or give me nwhatever,
6 And that's about it.
CHAPTER 521 oTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,
2 pSomething,
3 qSomething,
4 rAnd miles to go before I sleep,
5 sAnd miles to go before I sleep.
CHAPTER 531 Sur le pont td'Avignon,
2 uSomething something something something,
3 vDemoiselles d'Avignon,
4 wSomething,
5 xAlouette alouette,
6 yAnd so forth,
7 And so on.
CHAPTER 541 zWhen in the course of human events,
2 aaSomething something something,
3 bbAnd then something else,
4 ccSomething something,
5 ddSomething millions yearning to breathe free,
6 eeSomething,
7 ffSomething,
8 ggNor rain, nor snow, nor dark of night,
9 hhNor something,