9 So why should any of you listen to what I have to say?
10 Why should you?
11 Why should anyone?
CHAPTER 581 Dare I mention the term common sense?
2 For when has this one ever told you the truth?
3 You bow down to him,
4 And you mouth his words to yourselves,
5 And you pretend that they are true,
6 Because he asaid them,
7 And why would he lie?
8 But if he were your next-door neighbor,
9 bThe one you really can't stand,
10 Would you not examine his words a little more carefully,
11 And judge their truth in different terms?
CHAPTER 591 If your next-door neighbor told you that all the biggest losers on the face of the earth were really blessed,
2 Would you bow down to him,
3 Or call for the men in white coats?
4 For I, Harry, say to you,
5 cCursed are the poor in spirit: for the only kingdom anyone ever promised them is in heaven, dwherever that is, and everywhere else they're dogmeat,
6 And you know it.
7 eCursed are they that mourn: for fdeath is completely final, and mourning never brings back the dead,
8 Who are ghistory,
9 As anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows.
10 hCursed are the meek: for they shall inherit nothing,
11 Or were you planning to remember them in your will?
12 iCursed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall die of hunger and thirst,
13 Because absolutely everybody hates their guts,
14 And if I'm lying about that, what is jhe doing up there on that cross?
15 kCursed are the merciful: for they will be bitten by the mouths they feed,
16 As which of you has not left his toothmarks on someone who was only trying to help?
17 lCursed are the pure in heart: for they are born to be everybody's victim,
18 And why not yours too?
19 Cursed are the mpeacemakers: for they are doomed to fail big time,
20 As they always have,
21 nBecause there's nothing harder to do on this earth than stop a good Christian from starting a war with the latest godless barbarian neighbor to move in next door.
CHAPTER 601 And still I know that many of you are unconvinced,
2 And that you will wrinkle up your face at me and say,
3 o"But he never promised that life would be easy,
4 p"Or that we would receive our rewards on this earth,
5 "And you must have faith,