9 aDo some drugs instead.
10 bThe thing is, there isn't anything worth doing,
11 Which you already know,
12 And should try not to forget,
13 Because wanting to do or be something makes you focus on the future,
14 Instead of the present,
15 Which can be even more dangerous than remembering things from the past.
16 cThe only time that matters is now,
17 dAnd the only way to be is the way you are now,
18 Just like everybody else.
19 As soon as you start looking at things in some other way,
20 You can make a lot of unnecessary trouble for yourself.
CHAPTER 81 The fourth early warning sign of thinking is the temptation to look at things from someone else's point of view,
2 Even for a moment.
3 eDon't do this.
4 fThe only point of view is yours,
5 Because you are there,
6 And you are you.
7 You have your desires,
8 gAnd you have a right to what you desire.
9 Nobody and nothing else matters,
10 At all.
11 hRemember that you didn't ask to be born,
12 And nobody asked you what kind of a world you wanted to live in,
13 Which means they don't have any right to make you see their point of view,
14 Whoever they are,
15 Including your parents,
16 And your relatives,
17 And your iteachers,
18 And everyone else.
19 Of course, they want you to see their point of view,
20 So that you'll do what they want,
21 And make things easier for them.
22 But why should you,
23 When it's so much easier to do what you want,
24 All the time?
25 If people think they can make you see their point of view,
26 They won't stop trying till they do,
27 Which means you have to protect yourself,
28 jBy being sullen,
29 kAnd rude,
30 And disrespectful,
31 At all times,
32 So that nobody ever gets the idea,
33 For even a moment,
34 That they can make you see things the way they see them,
35 And start thinking about someone besides yourself,
36 For a change,
37 lWhich just isn't smart,
38 Or necessary.
CHAPTER 91 The fifth early warning sign of thinking is an occasional feeling of mresponsibility,
2 As if it's up to you to do something,
3 Or be something,
4 Just because you should,
5 For some reason.
6 nThis is one of the oldest and most dangerous traps ever invented.