10 So that he could akill the Minotaur,
11 Which was killing a lot of Greek virgins at the time,
12 bFor some reason.
13 cTheseus also had to visit the Underworld,
14 Which is where Greeks went after they died,
15 dRowing across the River eStyx in a boat with fSharon,
16 gAnd the River Lethe, which made them forget everything,
17 To the hElysian Fields,
18 Or to other, inastier places where they could be punished for having disobeyed the Gods,
19 jWho were pretty adamant about such things.
20 Anyway,
21 Theseus had to rescue kHercules,
22 lWho had gotten himself into the Underworld somehow and couldn't get out,
23 Since brains don't always come with brawn,
24 mAnd Theseus, who was pretty good at getting in and out of various places, got Hercules out.
25 And the Greeks believed this was a pretty exciting myth.
26 In fact, the Greeks believed a lot of things.
CHAPTER 71 They believed that there was quite a lot of coming and going between the earth and the nUnderworld,
2 Even though nobody ever actually saw it happen,
3 Which is why belief is such a wonderful thing.
4 They believed that oPersephone got kidnaped to the Underworld by the King of the Underworld,
5 Who was a god named pHades,
6 qWho had to keep up with his brother Zeus,
7 rWho was setting all the records for having love affairs with Greek women.
8 And Persephone also managed to get out,
9 But only on a part-time basis,
10 Which is why we have the seasons, the Greeks believed,
11 Being a tribe who believed in a lot of things.
12 When Persephone is with Hades in the Underworld, it is winter on earth,
13 And when Persephone gets back out of the Underworld again, it becomes spring and summer,
14 sWhich helps explain why the weather is so unpredictable,
15 tWomen being what they are about punctuality.
16 Nor was this all the Greeks believed.
CHAPTER 81 They believed that lots of Greek men grew up to be uheroes,
2 Who had to go out on great quests,
3 vAnd do impossible things,
4 In spite of all the wweird women they ran into,
5 Like xJason,
6 Who went looking for something called the yGolden Fleece,
7 And ran into somebody named zMedea,
8 Who liked to cut children up into little pieces and throw them into the sea,