2 And writing many praises and prayers and other inscriptions in stone,
3 aSo that seven times seven generations of their race worshiped the same Gods and invented all manner of things to please them,
4 bIncluding many elaborate ceremonies intended to honor the Gods in their temples,
5 cAnd many new cities in which to build temples and other monuments to the Gods,
6 dAnd wars against other tribes which did not worship the same Gods,
7 And who therefore needed to have their cities and monuments and temples destroyed,
8 Completely and utterly,
9 And their fields burned and sown with salt,
10 And their women raped,
11 And their people enslaved,
12 So that even bigger temples and monuments could be built,
13 eTo sing the praises of the great, generous Gods who had made the earth and the seas and the beasts of the field,
14 And who had made the cleverest of the fapes into a powerful nation of priests and warriors and builders and writers,
15 gWhich was the greatest gift of all,
16 And which was called hcivilization.