5 aWhich is the only gender to be,
6 And over twenty-one,
7 bWhich is the only age to be.
8 cI know other things about you too,
9 And if I keep my remarks brief enough,
10 Maybe you'll listen to what I have to say.
CHAPTER 41 You may have heard of dHarry,
2 Who reminded us that nothing really matters,
3 eSince the world's going to end pretty soon anyway,
4 fAnd God isn't really there,
5 gWhich means there isn't any good or evil,
6 And so we can be the way we are,
7 Without feeling bad about it.
CHAPTER 51 I hope this is all simple enough for you.
2 I know that executives like to be treated like three-year-olds,
3 And I'm trying,
4 But please remember that my last communiqué was to the hMallites,
5 iWho don't have much of an attention span either,
6 But they're not in your class at all,
7 As you know,
8 And it's a real effort to bring it down to your level.
9 Still, I'm doing the best I can.
CHAPTER 61 Where were we?
2 Oh yes, I remember.
3 It was also Harry who pointed out how lucky we are,
4 Meaning all of us who live in the Most Chosen Nation on Earth,
5 Because even if everybody stops working,
6 And caring,
7 And thinking,
8 jIt will still take a long long time for everything to fall apart,
9 Which it will, of course,
10 But not in our lifetimes,
11 Even if the planet lasts that long,
12 Which isn't likely.
CHAPTER 71 All of this is pretty important information for you,
2 Because it means you don't have to think about the future,
3 Or plan for the future,
4 Or build for the future,
5 Which leaves a lot more time for just fooling around,
6 And having fun.
7 Isn't that nice?
CHAPTER 81 kBut you should also know that Harry told everyone about this,
2 lWhich could complicate things for you,
3 Unless you listen very carefully.
4 Do you understand so far?
CHAPTER 91 The thing is, Harry also told everyone about the best way to live,
2 mWhich involves not thinking about anything at all,