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26 That's why Dick and Jane have Broken with the old ways,
27 aAnd are Bent on following the Way of Harry instead.
28 See Dick and Jane not thinking about anything at all?
29 Don't they look bBlissful,
30 And different?
31 Of course they do.
32 Right now, they're making a list of all the things that are to Blame for the fact that the little Braindead cBozos aren't learning anything,
33 And what it will take to make things Better,
34 Starting with dBetter pay,
35 And Better facilities,
36 And don't forget eBetter pay.
37 Can you see Better teachers on the list anywhere?
38 I'll Bet you can't.
39 Not if they're following the Way of Harry.

1 C is for the Certainty Dick and Jane feel about how nothing is their fault,
2 Because they didn't ask to be Conceived by their parents,
3 And it wasn't their fault they couldn't get into a really fClassy College,
4 And wound up gCaged inside a Classroom instead.
5 Dick and Jane have figured out that absolutely nobody wants to put up with the little Creeps anymore,
6 The ones who Come to school with a Chip on their shoulder,
7 hAnd sit there staring like a bunch of dead Carp,
8 iNot thinking about anything at all.
9 And that's about it,
10 Except for making Crude Comments whenever they feel like it,
11 Which is Constantly.
12 In fact, Dick and Jane are so Certain about all this,
13 jThat there isn't any way at all to make them Consider how they might be at least partially to blame for what's happening to all the little Cretins,
14 Even when the Critics question their Competence,
15 And accuse them of being Callous and Careless and Complacent,
16 And suggest that Complaining is the only part of teaching Dick and Jane really know anything about,
17 Which is actually the only part of teaching that's worth knowing anything about,
18 When you're following the Way of Harry.

1 D is for the Danger of not being certain,
2 Which can lead to the Disease called thinking,
3 kWhich leads to thoughts of Doom and Despair,
4 And would Destroy the last best hope of happiness for Dick and Jane.
5 That's why it's so much better for Dick and Jane to concentrate on their Desires instead,
6 lAnd be certain about Doing whatever is necessary to satisfy their Desires,
7 No matter who gets hurt,
8 Because that's the best Defense against the Dire consequences of thinking.