13 At least, he'll understand them better than you ever did,
14 And give them some solid practical advice,
15 For once.
CHAPTER 241 And although you won't be here to see it,
2 You may be pleased to know that the one who is to come will know of you,
3 And will honor your memory,
4 In his own way.
5 aFor example, he will make his entrance under the sign of a fabulous light in the eastern sky,
6 bWhich will attract the attention of wise men in the east,
7 cAnd other people too,
8 dAlthough he will grow to manhood in obscurity, among the elowest of the low,
9 fAnd then experience temptations of his own before beginning his ministry,
10 gBut when he does begin his ministry, he will acquire disciples of his own,
11 hAnd he will give his followers important rituals to use again and again,
12 iAs well as many great words to live by.
13 jAnd indeed, his words will be so great and perceptive that he will become the most important man who ever lived,
14 kSo important, in fact, that even his messenger will be regarded as more important than you.
15 lBut have no fear: This one who is to come will offer a new home to your followers,
16 mWhere he will take his disciples before undergoing his own special ordeal,
17 nIn a place called brotherly love,
18 Which has a very nice oring to it,
19 As I'm sure you'll admit.
20 pAnd the only problem with any of this is that even he won't be able to save the race of Mankind,
21 qWhich is why he won't even try,
22 Because unlike some people I could mention,
23 rThis one will be nobody's fool.
CHAPTER 251 And when the crown had said its piece, Jeffrey sighed,
2 sAnd said that maybe he wouldn't go back and do the big resurrection scene after all,
3 Whereupon the crown smiled and said, "It won't make any difference.
4 "If you refuse to show up,
5 "They'll just do it without you,
6 "Not actually showing the resurrection,
7 "But implying it in a subtle cinematic way."
8 tAnd so, in the end, everything went off as written in the original script,
9 And then Jeffrey went away,
10 And the glorious history of Man went forward,
11 Just as it had to,
12 uMan being what he is.