CHAPTER 11 There was a VIP named aPaul,
2 2 Who had a big nose and a paintbrush,
3 3 bAnd changed the world.
CHAPTER 21 Paul had a lot of talent,
2 2 Even though he was from cSpain,
3 3 And painted a lot of pictures,
4 4 dIn Paris, of course,
5 5 Where he met a guy named eGertrude,
6 6 Who saw that he was a brilliant genius,
7 7 fAnd told everybody all about it.
CHAPTER 31 One of the most brilliant things Paul did was paint a picture of gthree girls,
2 2 Who didn't look like girls at all,
3 3 But something else,
4 4 Something really ugly,
5 5 When Gertrude saw it, he got incredibly excited,
6 6 And told Paul that he had finally done it.
7 7 "Done what?" Paul wanted to know.
8 8 "Set a new course for modern art," said Gertrude.
9 9 "From now on, art will be different," he continued,
10 10 "And all because of you."
CHAPTER 41 At first, Paul didn't know what to think about this,
2 2 hSince thinking wasn't really his strong suit,
3 3 And wondered if maybe Gertrude wasn't exaggerating things a little bit,
4 4 The way he sometimes did.
5 5 But then, Paul had a vision,
6 6 In which ione of the three girls from his painting appeared to him,
7 Saying, "Zees ees tray important, Pole,
8 8 "Becose Gairtrude ees right.
9 9 "Zee whole world weel warship at your feet.
10 10 "Late us tale you about eet."
CHAPTER 51 Zair weel be a revolution een art (said the girl),
2 2 And you weel be zee leadair,
3 3 Zee towering genius of zee century.
4 4 jEen yairs to come, you weel take art completely apart,
5 5 And turn eet eento cubes,
6 6 And triangells,
7 7 And ozair zings.
8 8 When you reach your kzenith,
9 9 No one weel be able to undairstand even one of your paintings,
10 10 lWheech won't look like anyzing atoll.