18 And Great Religious Figures,
19 Like aSt. Paul, and bSt. George, and cSt. Andrew, and dJesus Christ, of course, and eBuddha, and fConfucius, and gMohammed, and hSt. Francis of Assisi, and iJoan of Arc, and jWilliam Jennings Bryan, and kSt. Peter, and lSt. Augustine, and mThomas More, and nSt. John the Baptist, and oSt. John the Evangelist,
20 And Great Scientists,
21 Like pEdison, and qSalk, and rLouis Pasteur, and sCharles Darwin, and tIsaac Newton, and uMendel, and vLeeuwenhock, and wAlbert Einstein, and xWatt, and yEdison, and zGalileo, and aaPtolemy, and bbCopernicus, and ccKepler, and ddSkinner, and eeBacon, and ffMadame Curie,
22 And Great Americans,
23 Like ggAlexander Hamilton, and hhBenjamin Franklin, and iiDaniel Boone, and jjJohnny Appleseed, and kkClarence Darrow, and llDaniel Webster, and mmBarbara Frietchie, and nnEleanor Roosevelt, and ooBabe Ruth, and ppLou Gehrig, and qqSergeant York, and rrJimmy Stewart, and ssSam Houston, and ttFrancis Marion, and uuPhil Sheridan, and Will Rogers,
24 Not to mention Great Villains and Traitors, who are often more interesting than really Great Men,
25 Like vvBenedict Arnold, and wwHitler, and xxMussolini, and yyTojo, and zzQuisling, and aaaGenghis Khan, and bbbKaiser Wilhelm, and cccStalin, and dddHirohito,
26 And I know there are lots of other Great Names too,
27 Who you should know who they are,
28 Because you can see that the world would be a pretty different place if they hadn't come along.
CHAPTER 5H1 eeeH is for Hygiene,
2 Which couldn't be any more important,
3 Because you can't go through life looking like a slob,
4 fffWhich is why you have to shave every day,
5 And get a haircut every three weeks,
6 gggAnd take a bath or a shower every day, and more often than that if you're playing sports or working in the yard,
7 And always wear a clean shirt and clean underwear,
8 And always wear a jacket and tie if you're going to a party or out to dinner,
9 And always wear a suit to church,
10 And brush your teeth after every meal,
11 hhhAnd wash your hands before every meal, and after you do your business,
12 And wash your hair pretty often too,