CHAPTER 11 The Psayings of the dDads of the Chosen;
2 To know what is going on; to excel in the ways of God and men;
3 eTo be regarded as shrewd; to have the whole world hang on your every word;
4 To be sought out and fhonored; gto have buildings and institutions named after you;
5 A wise man will pay attention, and will get up pretty hearly in the morning; he will work hard at iappearing to have knowledge, and will jmemorize the lessons of his teacher.
6 kFear of punishment is the beginning of discipline; and only fools scorn both punishment and discipline.
7 My son, be warned that there will be a ltest later; and if you prove to be dull of mind, your punishment will be extreme;
8 mFor these things are being taught you for your own good; nand your failure will hurt your father and mother worse than it will you;
9 So be good and odutiful in hearing these words of wisdom; or know that there will be no allowance for several months.
CHAPTER 21 pMy son, if your friends want to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, do not jump with them; for it is a long way to the water, and you would be smashed to a pulp, and qall the king's horses couldn't put you back together again.
2 And if your friends wish to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge, do not give them cash or a check or any kind of payment; rfor the Brooklyn Bridge is not for sale, except to fools, who are soon parted from their allowance.
3 And if your friends say to you, Let us cut school today; let us go to a secret place and smoke cigarettes;
4 Let us whistle and make rude remarks at girls; let us do everything that is sfun because the sun is shining;