CHAPTER 11 There was another place that started on the right-hand side of the Mediterranean and went all the way to India and beyond.
2 This place was called the near east,
3 Or the middle east,
4 bAnd was mostly full of sand,
5 And people with big noses,
6 Who hated each other a lot,
7 And everybody else too,
8 For a long long time,
9 And just possibly forever.
10 cThis is their story.
CHAPTER 21 There are lots and lots of different peoples in the middle east,
2 dSince that's where the creation supposedly got started in the first place,
3 Which explains why all of the middle easterners thought they were specially Chosen by their Gods to rule the world and so forth,
4 Even if they weren't.
5 For example, the middle east was full of Hebrews,
6 eWho were Chosen and also quite religious,
7 And Arabs,
8 Who where Chosen and oddly fond of fcamels,
9 And Assyrians,
10 gWho were Chosen and also about as vicious and bloodthirsty as any people who ever lived,
11 hAnd Persians,
12 Who were also Chosen, although nobody's ever had any idea why,
13 And Indians,
14 iWho had so many thousands of Gods that they couldn't help being Chosen by some of them,
15 And a lot more besides.
16 jUnfortunately for all of them, it turned out that it was really the Greeks who were Chosen,
17 kWhich they found out when Alexander the Great conquered their worlds,
18 lAnd all the others too,
19 mUntil there weren't any left to conquer,