CHAPTER 11 And there was another tribe of aapes, which called themselves Greeks.
2 The Greeks learned how to make btemples,
3 cAnd monuments,
4 dAnd inscriptions in stone,
5 eAnd wars,
6 fAnd slaves,
7 And were therefore civilized,
8 And believed they had been selected by the Gods as the Chosen Tribe,
9 Above all others,
10 Which entitled them to rule the world,
11 And so they did.
CHAPTER 21 The Greeks built ships with lots of oars, and rowed all over the Mediterranean,
2 Conquering other tribes with Greek gfire and other gifts,
3 hAnd enslaving their women and children,
4 iAnd building monuments to their Gods,
5 Who were very jnumerous and therefore needed an unusual number of monuments and temples and inscriptions and so forth,
6 Which the Greeks put up all over the place, between kwars,
7 Impressing themselves no end with their own intelligence and lpenmanship,
8 So that they believed they had created a golden age,
9 When everything was as it should be,
10 That is, ruled by Greeks.
11 Nor was this all they believed.
CHAPTER 31 The Greeks believed that before there were Gods, there were mTitans, who came from the earth and were pretty special.
2 For example, there was nPrometheus,
3 Who, being the smartest of the Titans, loved the Chosen Tribe of Greeks a lot,
4 oAnd showed it by giving them fire,
5 So that they could conquer all the other tribes,
6 Including the pPersians,
7 And the qTrojans,
8 And a lot of rothers too.
9 Only, some of the other Titans got smad at Prometheus about the fire thing,
10 And tied him to a trock,
11 uSo that his entrails could be ripped out every day by a vulture,
12 Which didn't kill Prometheus,
13 Him being a Titan and all,
14 vBut ruined his day anyway.
15 Nor was this all they believed.
CHAPTER 41 The Greeks believed that the Titans had children who were Gods,