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8 Then the Lit Lickers did not deny that there were a lot of things to write about besides despair and misery and what a big joke everything was.

1 aThe Prophits held that punk writers should write about how the world would come to an end if people didn't shape up,
2 Whereas the Nasticators held that punk writers should do everything the exact opposite of the way other writers did it,
3 Which meant not writing about the end of the world.
4 Thereupon Max Murder of the Nasticators felled Amos Andy of the Prophits with his long scriver,
5 And Johnny Mayhem of the Nasticators felled Danny Isaiah of the Prophits with his bare hands,
6 And Gruesome Gasher of the Nasticators felled Mike Hoser of the Prophits with his long scriver,
7 And the Prophits conceded that it wasn't necessary to write about the end of the world.

1 The Monotones held that punk writers should be sure not to let anything happen in their fiction,
2 bBecause you wouldn't get your picture on the back unless nothing happened in the book,
3 Whereas the Assassins held that punk writers should always ckill their main characters,
4 Because they agreed with the Nasticators about doing things the exact opposite way.
5 Thereupon Basil Bray of the Monotones felled Richard Lobe of the Assassins with his long scriver,
6 And Peter Pain of the Assassins felled Don Drone of the Monotones with his armreel,
7 And Hank Bludgeon of the Assassins felled William Whine of the Monotones with his long scriver,
8 And Thomas Tedium of the Monotones felled Oswald Booth of the Assassins with his bare hands,
9 And Basil Bray felled Peter Pain with his long scriver,
10 And Thomas Tedium felled Hank Bludgeon with his bare hands.
11 Then the Assassins did not deny that nothin should happen in punk fiction.

1 Thereupon the Nasticators held that the Assassins were correct, even if they were wimps,
2 And the Car Bombs and the Bloodilators and Brass Knuckles and the Grinders agreed with the Nasticators,
3 And then the Monotones did not deny that there should be plenty of killing in punk fiction.

1 The 440s held that punk writing should be mostly about dBoomers,