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13 Denouncing Harry in these words:
14 a"Truly you must be the one who is called the bAntichrist.
15 "For whenever you open your mouth, evil comes out,
16 "And your followers are doomed to burn in chell because you have led them down such an evil path,
17 d"For your way is not the way of Christ,
18 "And the way of Christ is the only way to eheaven.
19 "Now we fdesire you to repent the error of your ways, before it is too late,
20 "And to kneel in prayer with us now,
21 g"And beg forgiveness of Jesus Christ,
22 "Most humbly,
23 "So that you may be hborn again, into a new life, and into the one true way.
24 i"Else we will attack you, and torment your followers, and circulate petitions against you, and in every way possible, make your life miserable and a burden until you die."

1 When the religious leader had said these things, Harry yawned and rubbed his eyes,
2 Removing the sleepy bugs from them,
3 And then replied to the preacher, saying, I would be happy to do as you wish,
4 And repent for all my sins and misdoings,
5 For I behold your jcertainty,
6 And am kimpressed,
7 And will gleefully renounce any and all things I have said or done that lcontradict your way,
8 Which is indeed the one true way,
9 And the monly way.
10 Let us pray.
11 And then the preachers knelt and prayed with Harry, and wept with joy at his nsalvation, and went away satisfied at the great deed they had done.
12 Thereupon, Harry's followers questioned him closely, saying,
13 Why did you act in that disgusting fashion? These men were fanatics and hypocrites and all manner of odious things. Truly, you should have spoken with your usual wisdom, instead of licking their boots and swallowing their excrement.
14 But Harry just laughed at the words of his followers,
15 And said to them, The followers of my way are many and varied,
16 And truly there will be some among them whom you ohate and detest,
17 pBut that is because you are who you are,
18 Just as they are who they are.
19 Yet I make no such distinctions, for to make distinctions requires thought, and qI prefer not to think about it,
20 But to be joyful when my followers prove their rallegiance to my way.
21 Then the followers were perplexed, and thought that maybe they would have to think it all over,
22 But decided not to,